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In the past, health professionals considered persons with psychological/emotional/mental/psychiatric complaints to be disordered. These professionals would use the medical or psychological model, to better understand these difficulties, and in so doing, would pathologise what could actually be considered a natural response to environmental stressors.


At the Neurodiversity Hive, we practice from a neurodiversity affirming model. This means that we perceive “non-neurotypical” symptoms and behaviors as a reflection of different ways human behavior and functioning can be expressed. Therefore, these symptoms and behaviors are not a “disorder” or something that needs to be “fixed”. Rather, neurodiversity postulates that differences are not defects. They’re just, quite simply, differences. 


Neurodiversity describes neurological differences between humans as natural genetic variations, similar to thinking of nature as being biodiverse. As a result, the neurodiversity paradigm concludes that “non-neurotypical” symptoms and behaviors are a manifestation of the different ways that human beings can behave and function. For this reason, these symptoms and behaviours are not thought to be a defect in a person, or something that requires fixing. 


The neurodiversity perspective understands that society pathologizes neurodiverse behaviour. Because neurodiverse people are in the minority, they are often misunderstood, marginalized, and discriminated against. Much of the trauma and suffering a neurodiverse person endures stems from how poorly they have been viewed and treated by the majority of society.


As a team, we utilise a neurodiversity-affirmative approach to working with our clients. We acknowledge that neurodiversity is a part of human diversity; you don’t need fixing. Rather, we focus on understanding your unique history, needs and then work together towards helping you thrive in a neurotypical world.




We provide neurodiversity affirming, evidence-based, trauma-informed and person-centered care to neurodivergent families in Pretoria.




To change the system of care for neurodivergent persons, from fragmented to transdisciplinary. We want to play our part in bringing about a world where neurodiversity is celebrated. Where all the stakeholders support the wonderful brains of neurodivergent individuals, so that they can thrive.




1. Connection

Through a respectful relationship with all stakeholders, we aim to create a safe space where you can feel nurtured and understood, while reaching an optimal state of being.


2. Affirming:

This means that we view your unique neurological make-up and functioning as valuable. We do not seek to pathologise your behaviour. We view neurodiversity as being a a difference, not a disorder.


3. Empathy and Kindness

We treat our community with empathy and kindness, understanding that it can be hard to function optimally in a neuronormative world.


4. Empowerment

We seek to help you advocate for yourself, to have your needs met. We work hard to educate medical professionals, schools, teachers, parents and the community at large, so that we can see a upturn in neurodiversity affirming providers.





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